miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Importance of the Water for the Life.

The water and the landscape: The water is in many places: In the clouds; in the rivers, in the snow and in the sea. Also it is where we cannot see her, since in the air itself, in our body, in the food and under the land. In addition, the water changes to and from.
 The water is necessary for the life of the man, the animals and the plants. It is an important part of the wealth of a country; because of it we must learn not to waste it.
We all know that the water is indispensable for the life and that if we were stopping taking it we would die in a few days.
 70 % of our body is constituted by water; we find water in the blood, in the saliva, inside our cells, between each of our organs, in our fabrics and even, in the bones.
 Besides water to drink, we the human beings use water in almost all our actions, that is to say, need it to prepare food, to wash clothes or frets, personal bathroom, irrigation of cultures, baby of animals, manufacture of products, production of energy, etc.
Since we know, the water is a colorless, insipid and odourless liquid; it is to say, has color, neither flavor nor smell when he is in his major degree of purity. It is a vital element since without her there would not be possible the life of the alive beings (animals or plants).
 It is called a drinkable water to which it is possible to drink and mineral waters to which they appear generally of springs and are considered to be medicinal for certain sufferings. The hard waters are characterized because, if they are boiled, they leave at the back of the container a calcareous residue; they do not serve to drink them and as they do not produce foam with the soap they do not also serve to wash.
The drinkable water is indispensable for the life of the man, but it skimps in the measure that the population increases and because lamentably it is wasted by persons ignorant and lacking in the sense of responsibility and solidarity humanizes. After the air, the water is the most indispensable element for the existence of the man. Because of it it is worrying that his obtaining and conservation is turning into a crucial problem; for it we must start acting.


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